Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wine makes this house a home

A few weeks ago I entered a contest to join the Yummy Mummy Wine Club. I didn't give it another thought because I'm one of those people who never wins anything, so you can imagine my surprise when I got an email from Susie the Prize Queen telling me I'm in. The prize is sponsored by the Canadian Craft Winemakers Association.

It's a pretty simple process. You go one day to select and start your wine and show up a few weeks later for bottling party. I went today to throw the yeast to start what I hope will be a super-tasty batch of Australian Shiraz. Mmmmm, Shiraz... Where was I? Oh yeah. Many thanks to the Yummy Mummy Club, Macedo Wines and Grape Juice in Toronto, and the Canadian Craft Winemakers Association! I can't wait to pour a glass, but alas I must. The bottling party will be in September and I'm very excited about meeting my fellow wine enthusiasts as part of the Yummy Mummy Wine Club.

Note: While I get free wine out of the deal, I'm writing this because I think it's cool. This is not a paid article.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Best regards! Me and my wife also enjoy drinking wine and this makes us more in love with each other.

West Australian Wine